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Yuri, age 15

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Many of the staff can still remember the day Yuri first appeared at the Jaffa Institute. He stood in the doorway, nervous and tentative, trying to work up the courage to enter the building. Yuri and his family were new immigrants from the former Soviet Union, struggling to adapt and survive in their new

Contact Us

C4i Canada

P O Box 26048

Brantford, ON N3R 7X4

Tel: (888) 206-1986

Fax : (519) 720-6905

Email: info@c4i.ca

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All funds charged in Canadian Dollars

The PURPOSE of C4i is to call Christians to express love in action to the people of Israel.

Our MISSION is to present a biblical perspective of God’s plan for Israel and the church.

Our VISION is to see God’s truth proclaimed so that nations will support and bless the people of Israel.

Charitable Business Number - 86988 4841 RR0001

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