Episode 1
Jerusalem Will Be DestroyedEpisode 2
Israel in the Last DaysEpisode 3
A Nation Revived From the AshesEpisode 4
A Lost Language RestoredEpisode 5
Ruins Rebuilt on Sacred GroundsEpisode 6
Footsteps of the Rightful ChildrenEpisode 7
Jerusalem: A Cup of TremblingEpisode 8
Armageddon: The Final BattleEpisode 9
A Gate Sealed Until Messiah ComesEpisode 10
The Dead Sea Will Be HealedEpisode 11
Israel in the Last DaysEpisode 12
The Feast of Tabernacles Will Be CelebratedEpisode 13
Jerusalem Will Be ExaltedEpisode 1
Born in Bethlehem as Prophets ForetoldEpisode 2
Born of Royal BloodEpisode 3
A Prophet Will Prepare His WayEpisode 4
A Light Will Shine in GalileeEpisode 5
A Sabbath Rest for His PeopleEpisode 6
A Prophet Like MosesEpisode 7
Despised and RejectedEpisode 8
The Humble KingEpisode 9
The Passover LambEpisode 10
The Grave Will Not Hold HimEpisode 11
He Promised to Send the Holy SpiritEpisode 12
He Will Build and Bless His Gentile ChurchEpisode 13
His Church Will Reach the Ends of the EarthEpisode 1
The Connection is BrokenEpisode 2
Steps to RestorationEpisode 3
Between Heaven and EarthEpisode 4
Commandments and CovenantsEpisode 5
The New Connection to HeavenEpisode 6
A Nation of ProphetsEpisode 7
Salvation Comes Through IsraelEpisode 8
A Jewish Gift Called ChristianityEpisode 9
The Church and IsraelEpisode 10
A Hateful Plague that PersistsEpisode 11
The Return of Israel's KingEpisode 12
An Apostle's Unfulfilled ProphecyEpisode 13
Israel: A Sign and WonderEpisode 1
Moses: called to lead and deliver Israel from bondage in EgyptEpisode 2
Samuel: the prophet who anointed kings and...Episode 3
Elijah - a great prophet, but one who struggled with depressionEpisode 4
Isaiah - the prophet who had visions of a coming Messiah...Episode 5
Jeremiah - prophet who was keenly aware of his own inadequaciesEpisode 6
Ezekiel - the prophet who saw Israel's glorious futureEpisode 7
Daniel - a prophet who saw the 'End of days' fromEpisode 8
Joel - a prophet called to pronounce Judgement upon nations.Episode 9
Amos - an extraordinary call upon an ordinary lifeEpisode 10
Jonah - a prophet who ran, but couldn't hide, from GodEpisode 11
Malachi - the end of one prophetic era and the...Episode 12
John the Baptist - called to prepare the way of the MessiahEpisode 13
John the Apostle - the prophet who received the greatest of...Episode 1
Your Kingdom ComeEpisode 2
The Return of IsraelEpisode 3
The Restoration of IsraelEpisode 4
Wars, Famines and PestilencesEpisode 5
Apostasy and DelusionEpisode 6
False ProphetsEpisode 7
Lawlessness and GodlessnessEpisode 8
Good News of the KingdomEpisode 9
The Rise of AntichristEpisode 10
The Time of Jacob’s TroubleEpisode 11
Signs in the heavensEpisode 12
The Greatest Sign (The Fig Tree)Episode 13
Armageddon and God's New World OrderEpisode 1
Why Jerusalem?Episode 2
Melchizedek: Mysterious King and Prince of Salem (Jerusalem)Episode 3
A Place Called MoriahEpisode 4
Jerusalem: Capital of a KingdomEpisode 5
The Ark of The CovenantEpisode 6
Tabernacles and TemplesEpisode 7
A City Lost and RegainedEpisode 8
Behold Your KingEpisode 9
Messiah and MiraclesEpisode 10
Jerusalem: Pentecost and PowerEpisode 11
Destruction, Dispersion and RestorationEpisode 12
Stumbling Block to the NationsEpisode 13
Armageddon and the New JerusalemEpisode 1
A Message from Heaven to EarthEpisode 2
Christ and His ChurchesEpisode 3
Christ and His Churches (Part 2)Episode 4
Heaven's Throne RoomEpisode 5
The Seven-Sealed ScrollEpisode 6
Four Horsemen of the ApocalypseEpisode 7
The Sealed and the SavedEpisode 8
Seventh Seal: Prelude to the Seven TrumpetsEpisode 9
Fifth Trumpet: Demons From The Bottomless PitEpisode 10
A Mighty Angel and a Little BookEpisode 11
The Prophetic WitnessesEpisode 12
War in Heaven, Chaos on EarthEpisode 13
Two Evil BeastsEpisode 14
The Lamb and the Righteous RemnantEpisode 15
Prelude to the Seven Bowl JudgementsEpisode 16
The Seven Bowl JudgementsEpisode 17
The Scarlet Woman and the Scarlet BeastEpisode 18
The Rise and fall of Mystery BabylonEpisode 19
A Place Called ArmageddonEpisode 20
Messiah's Kingdom ReignEpisode 21
A New Heaven and EarthEpisode 22
The New JerusalemEpisode 23
Healing for the NationsEpisode 24
The Time of the EndEpisode 25
A Final WarningEpisode 26
Revelation Revealed ConclusionEpisode 1
Behold God's SonEpisode 2
The Way of SalvationEpisode 3
The Faithful Son of GodEpisode 4
Our Great High PriestEpisode 5
A Priest ForeverEpisode 6
The Peril of Not ProgressingEpisode 7
Two Kings of RighteousnessEpisode 8
The Need For A New CovenantEpisode 9
The Mediator of the New CovenantEpisode 10
One Final SacrificeEpisode 11
The Need For FaithEpisode 12
The Race of FaithEpisode 13
The Christian WayEpisode 1
Miraculous BirthEpisode 2
Born a JewEpisode 3
Royal BloodlinesEpisode 4
His Way Prepared By ProphetsEpisode 5
God With UsEpisode 6
Prophet and Son of GodEpisode 7
Source of Light and RestorationEpisode 8
Priest and KingEpisode 9
Betrayed, Hated, and ForsakenEpisode 10
Falsely Accused RidiculedEpisode 11
Tortured & CrucifiedEpisode 12
Buried With The RichEpisode 13
Risen, Ascended, SaviourEpisode 1
The Age of Lies and DeceptionEpisode 2
The Age of ApostasyEpisode 3
The Rise of the Anti-ChristEpisode 4
The Mark of the BeastEpisode 5
The Tribulation PeriodEpisode 6
A False Peace TreatyEpisode 7
Two Heavenly WitnessesEpisode 8
The Fall of Babylon the GreatEpisode 9
The Final Battle for JerusalemEpisode 10
A Place Called ArmageddonEpisode 11
The Millennial KingdomEpisode 12
The Great White Throne JudgementEpisode 13
God's New World OrderEpisode 1
The Glory of CreationEpisode 2
A Place Called HeavenEpisode 3
Stairway To The Gate of HeavenEpisode 4
Meeting God on the Holy MountainEpisode 5
Commander of the Lord's ArmyEpisode 6
Chariots of FireEpisode 7
Angels and the Host of HeavenEpisode 8
The Views From Heaven and HellEpisode 9
Caught Up in the Highest HeavenEpisode 10
Encountering The Risen ChristEpisode 11
War in Heaven, Turmoil on EarthEpisode 12
The King is ComingEpisode 13
When Heaven Rules on EarthEpisode 1
Taken Into ExileEpisode 2
The King's Unsettling DreamEpisode 3
A Fiery Test of FaithEpisode 4
The Downside of PrideEpisode 5
The Collapse of BabylonEpisode 6
Surviving The Lions' DenEpisode 7
When Empires CollideEpisode 8
The Ram and The He GoatEpisode 9
A Prophetic Panorama of the FutureEpisode 10
A Glimpse into the Dark SideEpisode 11
When Kingdoms ClashEpisode 12
Life At The End Of DaysEpisode 13
Life Lessons From DanielEpisode 1
Israel: Chosen NationEpisode 2
The Longing in Paul's HeartEpisode 3
Israel's Glorious FutureEpisode 4
The Last Enemy DestroyedEpisode 5
Be Holy, Be DifferentEpisode 6
Living on PurposeEpisode 7
Prepared for BattleEpisode 8
Our Citizenship in HeavenEpisode 9
Walking in VictorEpisode 10
The Day of the LordEpisode 11
The Rise of the Lawless OneEpisode 12
Surviving in Perilous TimesEpisode 13
The Terminal GenerationEpisode 1
A Heavenly InheritanceEpisode 2
Called out of DarknessEpisode 3
Men and Women of GodEpisode 4
Serving and SufferingEpisode 5
Be Vigilant Against EvilEpisode 6
Why Bible Prophecy is ImportantEpisode 7
False Teachers and Destructive DoctrinesEpisode 8
The Day of the LordEpisode 9
Walking in the LightEpisode 10
Walking as Children of GodEpisode 11
A Love ImperativeEpisode 12
Testing the SpiritsEpisode 13
Assurance of Eternal LifeEpisode 1
The Genesis of IsraelEpisode 2
The Uniqueness of IsraelEpisode 3
A Nation Defined by CovenantsEpisode 4
Called to be Light in a Dark WorldEpisode 5
Nearly ExtinguishedEpisode 6
The Miraculous Return to ZionEpisode 7
Surviving Against All OddsEpisode 8
The Problem With GazaEpisode 9
The Strategic Golan HeightsEpisode 10
The Non-Negotiable Temple MountEpisode 11
The Looming Battle for JerusalemEpisode 12
The King is ComingEpisode 13
A Glorious Future Under GodEpisode 1
The Christian WayEpisode 2
Leadership By ExampleEpisode 3
Our Need for EncouragementEpisode 4
The Blessed HopeEpisode 5
End-Time Prophetic RealitiesEpisode 6
Christian Persecution & God's Coming JudgementEpisode 7
Apostasy And The Lawless OneEpisode 8
An Appeal and a WarningEpisode 9
Contending for the FaithEpisode 10
Ancient and Modern ApostatesEpisode 11
The Depraved and the DoomedEpisode 12
Ancient Prophecies Being Fufilled TodayEpisode 13
How to Walk in VictoryEpisode 1
Paul's Authentic GospelEpisode 2
One True Gospel Worth DefendingEpisode 3
Justification by FaithEpisode 4
True Freedom in ChristEpisode 5
Liberty from the LawEpisode 6
In Christ AloneEpisode 7
Saved and SealedEpisode 8
Saved by Grace through FaithEpisode 9
Ancient Mysteries RevealedEpisode 10
Walking in the SpiritEpisode 11
God's Established OrderEpisode 12
Spiritual WarfareEpisode 13
Angels and DemonsEpisode 1
Sound Doctrine and a Sacred ChargeEpisode 2
Men and Women of the ChurchEpisode 3
Who is Qualified to Serve?Episode 4
Deceiving Spirits and Doctrines of DemonsEpisode 5
Traits of a Caring CongregationEpisode 6
Living a Balanced Christian LifeEpisode 7
Holding Fast to a High CallingEpisode 8
Serving as a Soldier of ChristEpisode 9
Surviving Perilous TimesEpisode 10
Faithful Preaching in a Fallen WorldEpisode 11
Elders as OverseersEpisode 12
Qualities of a Sound ChurchEpisode 13
The Ways of a ChristianEpisode 1
The Father’s PromiseEpisode 2
Tongues of FireEpisode 3
A Gate Called BeautifulEpisode 4
Gospel BoldnessEpisode 5
A Stirring of AngelsEpisode 6
A Caring ChurchEpisode 7
The Cost of DiscipleshipEpisode 8
The Power of ProclamationEpisode 9
Chosen to SufferEpisode 10
Gentiles WelcomeEpisode 11
God’s Heart for the WorldEpisode 12
Angels on AssignmentEpisode 13
Paul’s First Missionary JourneyEpisode 14
Growing PainsEpisode 15
The Jerusalem DecreeEpisode 16
The Macedonian CallEpisode 17
Proclamation and ProblemsEpisode 18
Paul's Third MissionEpisode 19
Spiritual WarfareEpisode 20
Enemies WithinEpisode 21
Prophetic WarningsEpisode 22
Triumphant TestimonyEpisode 23
Blessed AssuranceEpisode 24
Falsely AccusedEpisode 25
Appeal to CaesarEpisode 26
Almost PersuadedEpisode 27
Angels on AssignmentEpisode 28
Mission AccomplishedEpisode 1
A Valley Called ArmageddonEpisode 2
An Age of DeceptionEpisode 3
The Beginning of SorrowsEpisode 4
Beware of False ProphetsEpisode 5
When Lawlessness AboundsEpisode 6
Gospel of the KingdomEpisode 7
The Rise of the AntichristEpisode 8
The Abomination of DesolationEpisode 9
The Great TribulationEpisode 10
False Rumors of the MessiahEpisode 11
Signs of the Son of ManEpisode 12
The Final Battle for JerusalemEpisode 13
Armageddon: A Clash of KingdomsEpisode 1
End-Times SignsEpisode 2
The Rebirth of IsraelEpisode 3
The Days of NoahEpisode 4
Giants In The LandEpisode 5
The ArkEpisode 6
The FloodEpisode 7
The Lost and The SavedEpisode 8
The Flood's AftermathEpisode 9
God's Promise to NoahEpisode 10
Return of the GiantsEpisode 11
A Tower to HeavenEpisode 12
A Tale of Two CitiesEpisode 13
God's Tipping PointEpisode 1
The Darkest Of DaysEpisode 2
Israel Unique Among the NationsEpisode 3
The Genesis of IsraelEpisode 4
The Jew Who Divided HistoryEpisode 5
Called To Be Light In a Dark WorldEpisode 6
Nearly ExtinguishedEpisode 7
The Miraculous Return to ZionEpisode 8
Surviving Against All OddsEpisode 9
The Strategic Golan HeightsEpisode 10
The Sacred Temple MountEpisode 11
The Looming Battle For JerusalemEpisode 12
The King Is ComingEpisode 13
A Glorious Future Under GodEpisode 1
Israel: A Chosen NationEpisode 2
A Promised LandEpisode 3
The Promissed MessiahEpisode 4
Salvation Is Of The JewsEpisode 5
Destruction And DispersionEpisode 6
A Blessings To All NationsEpisode 7
The HolocaustEpisode 8
The Shadow Of DeathEpisode 9
A Nation RebornEpisode 10
Israel: The Holly LandEpisode 11
Jerusalem: The Holly CityEpisode 12
Israel: Blessed To Be A BlessingC4i Canada
P O Box 26048
Brantford, ON N3R 7X4
The PURPOSE of C4i is to call Christians to express love in action to the people of Israel.
Our MISSION is to present a biblical perspective of God’s plan for Israel and the church.
Our VISION is to see God’s truth proclaimed so that nations will support and bless the people of Israel.
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